7th and South
Stephen waited at the perpendicular of 7th and South Street.

NW corner. Brick building with recess opening South. Hard glass wall. White grafitti (illegible). Pole at Eastern end if necessary. Stephen waits.

The view West. The tires of my parents' van once slashed here.

Across 7th (NE). Society Hill Loan: "Musical Instruments CHECKS CASHED Money Orders-Jewelry." Writing kiosk.

New Discoveries Gift Shop. No. 1 Chinese Restaurant. The Bean Cafe.

SW corner: Greene Street Consignment Shop. (Why "Green Street"?) Suede jacket with fake-fur collar.

The view south and west: Graffiti. Spaceboy (wasn't there in 2004). Nondescript building: "Job Opportunities.". Philadelphia New Century Cell Phones. Senor Rattler's South Street Cantina. Domino's.

American Pie's Abode. Anachronistic furntiure shop. The Wine and Spirits Shoppe. Warehouse Furniture Bedding. African Hair Braiding. The rest recedes. Extracampine.

SE corner: Steve's Steaks.

Continuing: H. Bandi fine jewelry..